Small Groups

We’d love to have you join one of our small groups this year. Relational connectivity and Christian discipleship are at the heart of our ministry. To that end, we have created a system that allows for the responsibility of the care of our members to be shared by the leadership of the ministry through Free Market and Member Care small groups. Through these fellowships, the members are connected to several other members with common interests and various levels of discipleship and leadership maturity with the intent that each member will have an opportunity to grow in God with fellow Christians.

DARE Book Club – Charlotte Smith

Meets virtually every 4th Sunday at 6:00 pm

Making Reading Fun: Readers are Leaders.


Meets Wednesdays

Sword – Paula Stallworth

Meets virtually every Sunday at 4:00 pm

SWORD is a BIBLE-reading fellowship for women with a focus on reading the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation to cultivate and encourage personal bible study.

Cancer Care – Jacquita Barnett-Pitts

Meets bi- weekly on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm 

Mental, emotional, and spiritual support group for patients and family members during treatment and recovery of cancer.

Nursing Home

Ladies in Waiting – Oluwaseun Koriko

Meets 2nd and 4th Saturday at 11:00 am 

A Bible study/ fellowship group for women waiting on God’s appointed time for marriage. The members of the group meet to pray and encourage one another in their journey of single hood.

Iron Sharpens Iron – Eudora Greywoode

Meets every other week on Sundays via Zoom at 5:00 pm 

In person once a month at 5:00pm

The group will focus on fellowship, Bible Study, prayer, one-one counseling, and discipleship. As Proverbs 27:17 says members will be encouraged to support and strengthen each other. (As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend)

Divorce Care – Sharon Elston

Meets Mondays at 6:00 pm 

The group meets weekly to help you face challenges and move toward rebuilding your life after divorce or long-term relationship break-up.

A Queens Crown – Kwandra Brinson

Meets Fridays at 6:00 pm 

A Queens Crown references the Proverbs 31 Project by Melisa Calloway to facilitate biblical discussions around marriage motherhood, career, and homemaking for women.